Friday, August 31, 2018

Day 6

How should we handle Authorial Intent?

"A Rose for Emily"

Wednesday--first 2 discussion readings

  • Quiz due before class starts

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Day 5

What is the problem if one person holds the power to say what the center of a word is?

How can we decide when interperate a "real meaning" from something and that we aren't just making stuff up? (i.e. the difference between knowing the curtains are blue because they represent the depression in the novel vs. blue is the author's favorite color)

Look for connecting threads:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Horror
  • Sexuality
  • Post-Structuralism
  • Colonialism? 

Homework: Read "A Rose for Emily"

  • Quiz will be online
  • Bring printed copy if you want the 5 points for your discussion comments

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Day 4

Watched: Dark Tower

Book vs Movie:

Book (1982 mostly)
  • Jake had 2 parents and a maid in his life
    • The maid cared about him, although still slightly distanced
    • The parents didn't care about him at all
      • Father--famous media person, obsessed with power and appearance, does coke
      • Mother--affairs, appearance, absent
    • Jake knows that his parents don't care about him.  He still loves them and accepts them with their flaws.  Still chooses to go to another world (filled with danger and demons and no airconditioning) knowing that he might never see his parents again.
Movie (2017)
  • Jake's father was a firefighter and died saving people
  • Jake's mother loves Jake, but is worried that he is mentally disturbed and is trying to balance being a good mother and getting him help
  • Jake's step-father is openly hostile and it is revealed that he wants Jake committed both because he believes Jake is insane and he wants the mother all to himself
  • Both Mother and Step-Father are killed 

Why did they change this?

...changing subjects...

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

Two big words: 




What are their centers?

Friday, August 24, 2018

Day 3

  • Take 5 minutes and explore this idea:
    • Good cannot exist without evil.
    • Happiness cannot exist without sadness.
  • Emoji's and the problem with signs 
Grinning Face With Sweat on Apple iOS 11.3
Face Savoring Food on Apple iOS 11.3
Hugging Face on Apple iOS 11.3
Expressionless Face on Apple iOS 11.3
Money-Mouth Face on Apple iOS 11.3
Weary Face on Apple iOS 11.3
Lying Face on Apple iOS 11.3

Homework: Watch a movie or something.  Start thinking about your first paper topic.  What villain or monster has interested you the most?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Day 2!

  • Fill out paper
  • About Rhetorical Analysis
    • What is it?
  • Name Game!
  • Name quiz on Friday
  • Review your most used emojis and bring them in (either a printout or draw them) to class on Friday

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day 31